Tuesday 26 October 2010

Mass Effect 2 review

The epic adventure of 2007’s Mass Effect from Bioware had left gamers with an unbelievable experience which consumed many gaming hours. But the question is; can the sequel deliver more of the same? In one word, yes.
Mass Effect 2 is very similar to its predecessor in many ways, with many of the great RPG elements from the first game being incorporated into this incarnation. The levelling up and the conversation trees which have been a trademark for the series are back along with the Paragon and Renegade actions which will affect how your Shepherd is seen and reacted to by other characters. There is also the addition of the ability to intervene in cut scenes which enables you to affect how the scene is played out depending on which way you swing in the morality system. The six character classes are retained from the previous game but now each class having class-specific skills.
Mass Effect 2 also retains a great storyline which Bioware has done an excellent job with. Mass Effect 2 sees Commander Shepherd teaming up with Cerberus; a pro-human organisation fronted by The Illusive Man, to investigate the sudden and mysterious disappearances of human colonies. Shepherd and his Normandy ship is attacked by the Collectors and is torn apart which leads to the supposed death of Shepherd. Cerberus helps to effectively resurrect Shepherd and then gives him the job to put together a team to defeat the threat to mankind. The many different types of crew members you are tasked to recruit are widely ranged characters, from the almost emotionless Cerberus agent Miranda to fast talking Salarian, Doctor Mordin. With each team member comes a personal loyalty mission which gives you a closer insight into the character which can also lead to romantic ties.
While the excellent story telling is retained, one improvement from the previous game is the combat system. The combat has been streamlined with a Gears of War element to it, using the cover and shoot mechanics to full effect. Ammo is found from fallen enemies with all guns using the thermal ammo clips with the exception of Heavy Weapons. If going in all guns blazing is not your style then you still have the option to choose biotic or tech powers as well as being able to command other squad members to do your bidding through the circle roulette style pause wheels for commands and powers respectively. 
Mass Effect 2 delivers what the first game did and more, the same great compelling storytelling through excellent dialogue between characters, whilst giving the power of choice in many issues to the players is an experience which is experienced in few other games. With the improved streamlined combat system making this more accessible to more gamers and the only blemish being the repetitive and boring nature of mining for minerals; it has all the right mixtures to be considered one of the strong contenders to be Game of the Year for 2010.

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